Tragedy in Bnei Brak
Heartbreaking cries were heard at the levaya of Rabbi Aryeh Chala zt”l, father of 15 who was niftar at the age of only 56 after a protracted battle against the deadly disease: “Abba, who will be with us now? Why did you leave us? Who will guide us? Who will be with Ima?”
The tragedy worsens the family’s already difficult financial situation. Rabbi Aryeh’s wife was compelled to leave her job in order to care for her ill husband, and now she’s alone with 15 children- 8 unmarried – the youngest is only 8 and the oldest, 21.
Whoever contributes to the widow and orphans receives a special brocha from HaKadosh Baruch Hu…
He is the Father of orphans and Judge of widows, and whoever cares for the orphans of Rav Aryeh Chala zt”l, fulfills a mitzvah greater than any other!