“The Magen Dovid Adom EMT came to me and said, ‘I want to let you know-Baruch Dayan HaEmes”
Tragedy in Bnei Brak: Rabbi Yehuda Sha’ivi zt”l
The widow of Rabbi Yehuda Sha’ivi zt”l, tearfully recounts the family tragedy:
“I prepared a coffee for him to drink I went to the porch and I saw him lying flat on the floor- his head was facing down. I screamed to my daughters to wake up and help me My 16-year-old daughter started to do resuscitation on Abba and cried, “Abba, get up! Abba, get up!” The Magen Dovid Adom EMT came to me and said, “I want to let you know-Baruch Dayan HaEmes…” I have, baruch HaShem, five children-The oldest is 23 years old- he didn’t merit to see her married My youngest is barely 12 I’m asking- if you could help us so we can marry off my daughter
And take care of all the children so they won’t be lacking anything
Like their Abba always used to say- my children won’t lack anything…
Tizku l’mitzvot.”
We won’t abandon them!!
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